As our product line grew at Caradigm the global navigation architecture was getting stretched. With over a dozen out of the box applications and the ability for Amita (our persona for an end user manager with IT skills) to make her own apps the navigation construct needed to be improved. First off we explored ways to improve the global navigation, which today can extend 5 levels down (another problem being solved elsewhere). For this I created 5 variants on navigation hierarchy metaphors.



We then did some gorilla usability testing in house.
I created a prototype using Flash (Animator).
I created the test plan and helped run the studies.




I then applied a new brand style to the resulting design.




I also looked at how we might make a Caradigm Home page.
The goal was to help users navigate both the apps assigned to them and their daily work load.
This included using a collapsible side tray.
The tray was always available, providing a just in time look at the information most important to the user.




In Healthcare we have big problems to solve. We are dealing with really big data from many sources. We are considered a medical device and must be FDA compliant. And, most importantly, we are dealing, literally, with peoples lives so we must be clinically accurate. At Caradigm I had the opportunity to work across all product lines; Care Management, Analytics, as well as tools for both the back end IT and end users. Here are just a few samples to give you the breadth of work from entire feature design to the common controls shared across the applications.


Medications are complex.
What patients are prescribed is not always what they take.
Knowing what meds a patient is actually on is one of the most important aspects of healthcare.
This redesign allows the care managers to make sure this information is accurate by adding,
editing and reviewing with a patient their list of medications.




This feature gives the ability to the end user to add a chart at any time to their grid view




Content Builder is the tool used to add content at any time to the applications.
This is done without recompiling the base code.




This is just an example of one of many controls I have designed
and speced for use across the applications at Caradigm.




One thing I do a lot of is concepting.
We are always looking for better ways to make things work for our users.
Below are some examples of that thought process.

IA concepts for improved “designer” experience across apps

Users can basically design their own mini apps.
They use tools embedded in the product called Cohort Designer.
Today these are surfaced via a series of lightboxes.
Below are concepts to unify the Add experience into one container
using an accordion control and inline editing concepts.




Home page concpts

Looking to solve the need to see most urgent and relevant info at a glance




Patient Summary concepts

Care Managers are really busy.
They need to be able to see information quickly about a patient.
And that information has to provide enough depth to make decisions quickly.
Below are 2 views; the first provides a summary view of the patient and the second a timeline view.